SalesRook Conversations Tab Guide
This guide helps you navigate the Conversations tab in SalesRook, manage conversations, view contact details, and track interactions in real time.
Last updated
This guide helps you navigate the Conversations tab in SalesRook, manage conversations, view contact details, and track interactions in real time.
Last updated
Navigate to the Conversations Tab: On the left-hand side menu of your dashboard, locate the chat bubble icon.
Click on the Icon: Click on the Conversations icon to open the Conversations tab.
In the Conversations tab, you will see several types of conversations. These categories help you organize and manage your messages more efficiently.
Unread: Shows conversations that have unread messages.
If there are multiple unread messages in a thread, you’ll see an indicator with the number of unread messages.
If only the last message is unread, you’ll see a small dot indicating that.
Recents: Displays all recent conversations, including messages you’ve just received or sent.
Starred: This section includes conversations that you’ve manually marked with a star for easy tracking.
Use this if you want to prioritize a conversation (e.g., for upcoming appointments or potential leads).
You can mark conversations as starred or unstarred by clicking on the star icon next to the conversation.
All: This shows all conversations in the account, including those with your AI persona or team members.
When you open a conversation, here’s how to read and interact with it:
Message View:
Blue Bubbles: These represent messages you’ve sent.
Gray Bubbles: These represent messages from your client.
Conversations are updated chronologically in real time, so you’ll see new messages appear instantly.
Responding to a Message:
To reply to a conversation, simply type your message in the input box and send. The message will appear immediately in the conversation history.
On the right-hand side of the conversation, you’ll find detailed information about the contact.
Contact Information:
Full Name: View the contact's full name.
Contact Card: Click on their initials to open the contact card, which shows their email, phone number, and more.
The owner indicates who in your team is assigned to manage this contact. You can assign or reassign the contact by selecting a user from the dropdown list.
Tags give additional context about the contact’s journey or engagement. For example, you might see tags like "Reactivation Campaign" or "Responsive" to indicate the type of interaction or status.
DND (Do Not Disturb):
If a contact requests not to be contacted, you can enable DND to stop all future messages from being sent to them.
You can toggle the DND setting on or off by clicking the checkbox. This action is logged, and your client will not see it.
In the right-hand sidebar, you can also view information about scheduled appointments and opportunities.
If any appointments are scheduled with the contact, they will appear here. For example, you may see an appointment with a confirmed status or past appointments.
You can also manually book new appointments directly from this section.
Opportunities show the lead’s current status in your deals pipeline. For example, you might see that the contact is in the Responsive stage.
Call History:
Calls made or received will also be logged in this section.
Outbound calls will appear on the right side, while incoming calls are listed on the left.
Email Logs:
All emails sent to the contact will also be logged in the conversation thread, providing a complete history of your communications.
The Conversations tab provides a comprehensive view of your interactions with each contact. You can see real-time updates, track appointments, and monitor the status of each opportunity. Use the Starred section for easy access to important conversations, and ensure you can always stay on top of follow-ups.
If you have any questions or need further assistance with the Conversations tab in SalesRook, feel free to reach out to the SalesRook support team. We’re happy to help!